Primary Teaching
A range of work in Reading and Writing and Mathematics, and an Integrated Unit Plan in the Curriculum Areas of Health, Media, Design & Drama.
Reading and Writing
For reading and writing I like to write my own stories, and then read these to the kids as a hook to engage them into the sequence. Once reading the story, I will go through the particular topic of focus for the lesson. The topic could be about Conjunctions, Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs, etc. I then go through with the students a teacher-directed powerpoint, teaching them about the topic, where afterwards in a teacher/student directed manner we unpack activities together.

For mathematics on my recent Primary round I taught Year 1 and 2s about Place Value and Probability. I try my best to make the mathematic sequences as hands on, collaborative and as fun as possible. Below are some examples where I facilitate activities that aim to target team-work and inquiry to build knowledge all together, that then lead students to being able to do independent work.

Primary Year 5/6 Integrated Unit Plan

This is an Integrated Unit Plan in the Curriculum Areas of Health, Media, Design and Drama.
Beside is a video explaining the Unit Plan that I created
Below is a link to the Website I created for the Unit Plan with Lessons attached.