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Year 7 and 8 Art
Here are some Year 7 and 8 Projects that I have either created myself, or have worked off from other Teaching Professionals. I have attached my students final pieces for each project below.

Wild Life Composition
Created myself
Students learn about composition and how to draw subjects to scale in the Foreground, Middle Ground and Background. They then get the choice of colour their piece in Water Colour Paint, Oil Pastels and/or Water Colour Pencils.
Advertising Kombi Van Design
Influenced by others & created myself
Students learn about Art Elements such as colour, shape and line and create their own Advertising Kombi Vans. They must use their VCD Designing skills to design a logo name to scale of the van too.

Two Point Perspective Tree House
Influenced by others & created myself
Students learn to do 2 point perspective, and using their 2 point perspective VCD skills create their own tree houses. The theme was up to them, showcasing different art elements.
Pop Art Candy Bars
Created myself
Students learn about the Pop Art Movement emerging in the United States in the Mid-Late 50s. They learn about vibrant bright colours, and using thick black bold lines to recreate their own Candy Bars with a Pop Art twist.

Op Art Designing
Influenced by others & created myself
Students learn about the illusion of movement by use of pattern and colour. Students step by step create the pattern piece, and then use complementary colours to add to the illusion effect.
Tim Burton Style Rooms
Influenced by others
Students learn about one point perspective, and create their own Tim Burton style rooms. I allowed students to add a splash of colour, to bring out parts of the piece that were most important to them.

Australian Outback Composition
Created myself
Students build on what they have already learnt about compositional elements, and create their own Australian Outback version.
VCD Two Point Perspective Names
Influenced by others & created myself
Students build their learning more on One Point Perspective, and learn how to draw their names aligned with the central axis.

Ned Kelly
Influenced by others & created myself
Students learn about Ned Kelly, and more on Foreground, Middle Ground and Background Composition. They then work with a range of art material to create their own Ned Kelly Compositional piece.
Mona Lisa Appropriation
Influenced by others
Students learn about Appropriation, and undertake the task to recreate their own Mona Lisa. This is a student favourite task, and many have loved it across the years teaching it.

VCD Movie Poster Task
Created myself
Students use multi-media and create their own Movie Posters. Students learn about the Conventions of movie posters, and create their own one for a Genre.
Keith Haring Pop Art Task
Influenced by others & created myself
Students learn about Keith Haring, and his part of the Pop Art Movement. Students then influenced by Haring, create their own Pop Art posters.
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